We have heard a lot about Google's cars. But what is the reality?
Media, which Google is the only company that should be easy to work with autonomous vehicles. Of course, the company's internal cameras, laser radar, and artificial intelligence, a 3D "Street View" map of an advanced computer design made ​​some big leaps. So far, Google has more than a million kilometers of road testing cars at high speed. It helps to train the software to manage the unexpected, because it is an important step. "Every mil driving over cars when they come to learn that there's a chance," said Larry Burns works as a consultant for Google.

Although it is by no means a horse race. "Almost every car company has automated vehicles," Sven Beik, executive director of the Stanford Center for Automotive Research says. For example, "congestion" to help - - Volvo, for example Beik notes that they try and systems for automated test, the auto companies, which may have an advantage in 2017, Sweden Stockholm streets on trial 100, or driverless cars, already heavy traffic braking and steering control.

But we are years away vakanaottiyillata vehicle, the right to hit the road for?
You might be surprised. In the Pilbara, Western Australia, heavy vehicles without a driver behind the wheel sliding along gravel roads. They weigh more than 500 tons and a length greater than 16m (52 SEK), stretching, is truly gigantic animals. This independence is to help workers in the Pilbara mines. Often caused by fatigue - - when the idea is to improve the ability of the site to reduce the risk of human error. So far, unmanned vehicle that runs about 50 miles million - and 200 million tonnes of material required. Similar unmanned vehicle fleets in Australia, Chile can be found in other areas.

The military is interested: Earlier this year, the "zombie" a fleet of trucks rolled through Fort Hood; Without risking their lives in conflict zones autonomous vehicles that can be thrown by the American military's latest attempt was to create. Sartre programs in Europe, recently sent a convoy of trucks autonomy through highways in Spain. Such a strategy will help save the environment too. . "The aerodynamics standard cars" Class A "gap between the upgrade, you fuel 15% can be saved," Burns says, "you're running 7.24 and its traffic organize your body can keep -. Railway and freight moving Future cars set a precedent -" Such we still has many of the arguments that we will soon end up on the highway leading to the autonomous vehicles.

"They help us to understand what self-driving because they are important," Beik said. Can be an important part of driverless cars in the future - there are different vehicles that can talk to each other and the surrounding equipment to help build communication systems. At least, their success shows that there are many methods for technology vakanaottiyillata beyond Google.

Vakanaottiyillata trucks enough for me, will not help you doze off on the way to work.
That is, if you have a small fleet of autonomous taxis may seem an unlikely place for a technological revolution that will own the roads in 2017, the UK will need to go to Milton Keynes; "New Town" is largely based on his alleged suburban mediocrity of many jokes in Britain becomes the butt. You must register smartphone - and - they are a great 12mph (19 km / h) on racing around the designated track, privately owned cars is decidedly weak, however. But they can be a sign of more things to come. Burns, for example, joint fleet of driverless cars poor, the elderly, blind and disabled out that high mobility can deliver.

So driverless cars is not just a rich man's toy?
Just the opposite, Burns says - this technique can be a lifesaver. Approximately 1.2 million people worldwide die each year in car accidents. "It is not the level of infectious diseases," he says. Almost everyone in the system can prevent the brain works, what accidents caused by human error. "They do not drink and drive the car to be 360 ​​degrees, and the enormous processing capabilities they need to make decisions about what to do," Burns says. The reason for this is that he believes that technology is of global importance. "We have a drug that can reduce deaths by 90% -? We save a million lives a year ago, the realization of autonomous vehicles as soon as possible, not trying to get into the game in the end does it."

Ideas Changing the World Summit in New York on 21 October, to take a look at his presentation to find out the views of Burns's vakanaottiyillata car technology. The future of the BBC to cover the event in its entirety - so stay tuned


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